This here is my new personal blog site, and welcome to it. Please do whatever it is you do to ensure that you come back to read stuff here. I’ll try to make the site a little more visually and navigationally appealing, I promise.
My previous personal blog site has disappeared, along with the posts, due to some nonsense with my site host company. Ah well. At least I still have hard copies of throwaway items I wrote for long-defunct publications two decades ago.
After nearly 30 years in the Boston area, I have recently moved to Richmond, Virginia, where I will continue to stumble my way through another phase of my journalistic career. The results of that stumbling will likely dictate my use of this site; for now, I intend to give links to my work elsewhere, and to post thoughts and observations that have no other outlet.
In part, I hope to use this site to continue what I’m told is called “community-building.” In this process I try to suck people like you ever further into my orbit, in hopes that you will then follow my directional prompts around the Internet, which will somehow bring monetary remuneration to me.
But really, I just want to try to get a little bit closer to the truth about things that I find interesting or important, and try to pass that along to as many people as I can get my words in front of.
So please, join my community, read my words, and of course send me all your hot tips and juicy rumors.